How do I crate train my puppy?

Fox Red Labrador Dog Swimming in the Sea

How do I crate train my new puppy?

Crating is a favored method of house training a dog by the American Kennel Club and by veterinarians because it is safe and humane. Dog’s can sleep inside a crate and quickly learn to hold their bladder and bowels until released from the crate to eliminate. Dog crates are also a safe way to transport a dog.

When to Crate Train Your Puppy

The best time to crate train a puppy is right after you bring him home from the breeder or a pet store. If you get your dog from a shelter, try to wait until you have a few days at home with him before you introduce the crate.

Keep in mind that it may take several days, even weeks to crate train your dog. Crate training requires time and patience, but will happen sooner if you stay positive and consistent. A young puppy can be crated for up to five hours during the day. These guidelines can help you get started:

Before you begin training your dog to love its crate, make sure the crate is the right size for your breed of dog. Crate sizes are usually given by the length of the dog’s body. For new puppies, it’s helpful to start with a large crate. You can halve or quarter it as your pup grows. Typically, a crate should be just large enough for your dog to stand up, turn around and lie down in a natural position.

When introducing the crate, attach the door from the side of the crate to keep it from swinging shut. Another option is to consider using a crate cover or a towel or blanket placed over the crate to block the view and provide a dark and secluded resting spot. Until your dog is comfortable in their crate, you’ll need to work to create positive associations with the crate and this will take time, so be patient and consistent.

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